ESL Program for English Language Learners

The Canadian American School offers an English as a Second Language (ESL) Program that provides support for students whose first language is a language other than English and who qualify for supplemental services. CAS currently has a student body comprising 25 nationalities and the School enjoys the benefits of language and culture diversity.
Sheltered Instruction, also known as Content-based ESL, is the language instruction model used to accommodate the needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) at CAS. Classroom teachers differentiate or modify their lessons to make the content understandable for each of the students in their class. Since ELL students are expected to meet the same high academic standards as their native English speaking peers, it is important that students be able to understand all subject matter taught throughout their school day. All academic areas such as Math, Science, and Social Studies are taught to ELL students using English to communicate instruction while utilizing Sheltered Instruction strategies.
Though the majority of language instruction takes place in the general education classroom, each eligible ELL student is also assigned an ELL teacher who evaluates and monitors their English language proficiency and progress. The ELL teacher determines a service plan to best support each student’s individual language needs and collaborates with the classroom teacher(s) to meet the language accommodation requirements of their students. Support can be provided in a variety of ways depending on the language needs and stage of development of the student. Students may require service in small groups, or individually, while some may be better served through extra help in the classroom.

How does a student qualify for CAS’s ESL Program?
The ESL program’s qualifying process begins when the parent or guardian enrolls the student and identifies another language, not English, as the child’s first language. During the initial phase of the admission process, students starting in the Kindergarten level take Skills Assessment Tests, which may include an English Language Proficiency Test. If a child is identified as Limited English Proficient based on the results, they become eligible for CAS’s supplemental services.
What are the associated fees?
If a child qualifies for ESL Program services, the team identifies the level of support which ranges from Level 1 to Level 3 (newcomer level). The cost of supplemental service is based on the identified level which can be viewed here. Each student is reassessed each year to monitor progress and to determine continued eligibility for services. Students typically participate in the ESLProgram for one or two years before testing out.