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Canadian American School

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Founding Wisdom

CAS establishes its raison d’etre by drawing its inspiration from three main guiding principles, whose proponents have dedicated their lives to education philosophies that are socially responsible, forward thinking, and democratically disseminated.


The (Goldie) Hawn Foundation’s MindUP is a social & emotional learning curriculum and mindfulness-based education training program developed from neuroscience research projects conducted by scholars and clinicians recommended by the Scientific Research Advisory Board. This accredited early learning program for kids aged 3 to 17 aims to reduce stress, improve concentration and academic performance, and nurture empathy and emotional regulation.


Paulo Freire (1921-1997) is a Brazilian educator whose primary advocacy is critical pedagogy that empowers learners to be active change agents. His philosophies resonate in today’s world where children are able to draw learning from multiple sources, albeit unfiltered and unchecked; thus, it is the role of educators and facilitators to shepherd and nurture such an influx of information. Under Freire’s pedagogical influence, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM, or STEAM with Art) are taught in an integrated approach towards understanding humanity’s inherent role and the challenges it faces in providing and maintaining a sustainable planet. Critical thinking and analysis are skills that students learn; they not only learn the science behind climate change, but understand how to manage its implications on developing relevant social policy.


Paulo Freire (1921-1997) is a Brazilian educator whose primary advocacy is critical pedagogy that empowers learners to be active change agents. His philosophies resonate in today’s world where children are able to draw learning from multiple sources, albeit unfiltered and unchecked; thus, it is the role of educators and facilitators to shepherd and nurture such an influx of information. Under Freire’s pedagogical influence, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM, or STEAM with Art) are taught in an integrated approach towards understanding humanity’s inherent role and the challenges it faces in providing and maintaining a sustainable planet. Critical thinking and analysis are skills that students learn; they not only learn the science behind climate change, but understand how to manage its implications on developing relevant social policy.

 “Education makes sense because women and men learn that through learning they can make and remake themselves, because women and men are able to take responsibility for themselves as beings capable of knowing — of knowing that they know and knowing that they don’t.” – Paulo Freire

Core Values and Mission


Our mission is to be an exceptional learning community that is enhanced by diversity and empowers students to be responsible and engaged global citizens.


At the Canadian American School, our core values articulate our key beliefs about students, achievement, and the elements necessary to achieve excellence in education and learning.