At the Canadian American School, our Preschool Program is organized by age group. We use a September 1 birthday cutoff date. To know which class your child will qualify for, please refer to the chart below:
Grade Level | Age by Sept 1 |
Preschool 1 | 1 |
Preschool 2 | 2 |
Preschool 3 | 3 |
Junior Kindergarten | 4 |
Language studies show that early immersion language programs are more effective, resulting in faster language acquisition and learning of associated skills sets, than in foreign language programs begun during the middle and high school years.
At CAS, we go one step further, believing that bilingual or even trilingual — 1st + 2nd + 3rd languages — exposure, immersion, and instruction should begin at the Preschool level.
Although most children may be unilingual with parents that may not be bilingual (to provide support at home), CAS’s Foreign Language Teachers are native-tongue speakers experienced in instructing children with the primary aim of attaining language fluency at 6 years of age (Grade 1 age level). They will be assisted by CAS Preschool Art, Music, and Movement Teachers for such co-curricular activities, which form an integral part of CAS’s curricular framework (derived from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, and promoted by American faculty teams working from Vanderbilt University, University of Illinois, University of South Florida, Georgetown University, and University of Colorado at Denver), which is translated throughout all its Preschool language immersion groups — English, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish.

CAS Preschool and Junior Kindergarten English Teachers are fluent English speakers that will provide language support so that children in foreign language groups do not fall behind in learning to speak CAS’s primary medium of instruction — English — at the Grade School level, which begins in Full-day Senior Kindergarten.
CAS Preschool – children ages 1 (Baby), 2 (Toddler), and 3 (Nursery) – currently offers parents a choice of English, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, or Spanish language immersion at 15 hours / week with a daily schedule of 8 – 11 AM. Extended Care* hours 11 AM – 3 PM are conducted in English at an additional 20 hours per week.
CAS Kindergarten – children ages 4 (Junior Kinder) – offers parents the same choice of foreign language immersion 18 hours / week + English instruction 8 hours / week with a half-day schedule of 830 AM – 1230 PM. Extended Care* hours 1230 – 3 PM are conducted in English at an additional 12 hours per week.
Extended Care* hours involve lunchtime, naptime, and more structured activities + a selection of physical activities during After-school Program time 230 – 330 PM. ASP activities vary from term to term and run for 6 – 8 weeks; program scheduling surveys are sent out at the beginning of each term.

At the heart of our work is our focus on developmentally appropriate practice (DAP), an approach to teaching grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early childhood education. It is designed to promote young children’s optimal learning and development.
DAP involves teachers meeting young children where they are (by stage of development), both as individuals and as part of a group; and helping each child meet challenging and achievable learning goals.

We create and foster a “community of learners” that supports all children to develop and learn. At its foundation are relationships. Creating consistent, positive, and caring relationships between the teachers and children, among children, among teachers, and between teachers and families. Each member of the community is valued by the others.
Preschool Application Files
Preschool 1 to Junior Kindergarten (4-year olds)
Health Forms
- Student Health Assessment and Physical Examination Form
- Medical Immunization Records
- Emergency Care Plan (if student has a serious medical condition: asthma, allergies, etc.)
Identifying Information
- Birth Certificate (original or certified true copy)
- Current Passport bio and visa pages of student and parents
Previous School Documents
- Progress Reports (if child attended preschool)
Additional Requirements for Exceptional Education Program
- Previous Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Program plans or progress reports from related service providers (Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, etc.)
- Previous testing information
- Recommendation Letter Form to be completed by the Learning Support/Resource/Special Education