Global Citizenship
CAS is committed to developing in its students, the capacity and dispositions required to participate in a globally interconnected world.
We believe that in order to become a global citizen, students will need to develop these 4 core capacities:
“Globally competent individuals are aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works. They can use the big ideas, tools, methods, and languages that are central to any discipline (mathematics, literature, history, science, and the arts) to engage the pressing issues of our time. They deploy and develop this expertise as they investigate such issues, recognizing multiple perspectives, communicating their views effectively, and taking action to improve conditions.”
Mansilla & Jackson
Diversity & Inclusion
CAS establishes its raison d’etre by drawing its inspiration from three main guiding principles, whose proponents have dedicated their lives to education philosophies that are socially responsible, forward thinking, and democratically disseminated.
The (Goldie) Hawn Foundation’s MindUP is a social & emotional learning curriculum and mindfulness-based education training program developed from neuroscience research projects conducted by scholars and clinicians recommended by the Scientific Research Advisory Board. This accredited early learning program for kids aged 3 to 17 aims to reduce stress, improve concentration and academic performance, and nurture empathy and emotional regulation.